Wayfound provides visibility and control over the performance of your entire agent team. Each AI agent’s owner benefits from Wayfound to gain crucial insights about agent effectiveness and outcomes, while those responsible for AI governance policy and reporting benefit from Wayfound’s centralized management capabilities.
The Wayfound manager offers an intuitive, visual representation of all your Agents and how they are connected to each other, third party agents, remote APIs, and other tools. Wayfound gathers all that information into one place, making it easy to see how often certain agent interaction and exchange pathways are being activated and “who” is talking to whom.
Unlike tools or monitoring at the technical level, Wayfound’s focus is on whether or not your AI Agents are performing well, according to the directives and business rules they have been given by your team. That includes checking performance against overarching organizational or brand directives which set the tone for how all work gets done.
Our manager gives you early detection of potential AI agent risks, illustrates performance status trends, and offers recommendations on how to improve that agent’s behavior moving forward – so that you can continuously improve experiences and AI execution. You can drill-down to better understand those flags and determine the best course of action.
Wayfound takes data security and privacy very seriously and is a SOC2 compliant company. Our enterprise agreements with foundation AI models guarantees that your data is never shared with anyone or used for model training. Our platform is engineered from the ground up with enterprise-grade technologies for utmost reliability, consistency, and security.